Monitor your child's breathing motion, skin temperature and sleep patterns while they sleep. Get real-time insights and alerts straight to your phone. NEW AND IMPROVED Everything you need to monitor your child using smart technology The Snuza Pico 2 was designed with your child's wellness and development in mind. The new version includes an improved clip and better breathing motion detection which means you'll experience less false alarms. Monitor your child's breathing motion, skin temperature and sleep patterns while they sleep. If your baby's breathing motion stops, the Pico will gently vibrate to rouse your baby after 15 seconds. If this does not work and breathing motion does not start after a further 5 seconds, the Pico will alarm so that you can act and respond quickly. Get real-time insights and alerts straight to your phone with the Snuza Connect app. Set your preferences in the app. Dream on with Snuza.
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