Hormel Health Labs Thick & Easy Thick & Easy Products for Dysphagia Dysphagia, a condition that can occur in patients with strokes, dementia, other neurological diseases, head & neck cancer, etc., is very prevalent in the community, hospital and long-term care institutions. Dysphagia results from damage and/ or deterioration of the nerves and muscles that control the swallowing process. As a result, food and liquids are able to enter the airway instead of being directed to the stomach. This puts a person with dysphagia at risk of aspiration pneumonitis, pneumonia, malnutrition and death. Finding easy to prepare, flavorful foods and beverages that are safe to consume can be challenging. Hormel Health Labs understands this challenge and has created products that are easy, safe and tasty, including complete meals, beverages, milk and thickeners to aid in returning normalcy to life after health events. Hormel Health Labs Thick & Easy Thick & Easy for people with Dysphagia Thin liquids are of particular concern for people experiencing dysphagia. Thin liquids move very quickly through the oropharynx, not providing the nerves and muscles enough time to coordinate protection of the airway. In an attempt to reduce aspiration risk for this population, we commonly thicken liquids to slow the transit time and reduce the risk that liquids will enter the airway. Hormel specifically developed Thick & Easy Thickened Beverages for patients with Dysphagia. The liquid consistencies meet the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiatives (IDDSI) guidelines for Level 2 Mildly Thick (Nectar) and Level 3 Moderately Thick (Honey). Thick & Easy Thickened Beverages are designed to provide easy, time saving preparation for the caregiver while providing great tasting, nutritious and safe options for those who suffer from dysphagia. Thick & Easy Hormel Health Labs Thick & Easy Hormel Health Labs Thick & Easy Safe & Reliable Consistency Safe & Reliable Consistency
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