Maple Home Decoration, established in 2017.We are committed to creating your beautiful home.Warning:This floor lamp does not include a light bulb, which needs to be purchased separately.The model number of the bulb will be mentioned in the product description. If you have any questions, please send a message to the seller.The product is shipped in a box, which needs to be assembled by the customer, and the product installation manual is included in the product package. If you have any questions, please send a message to the seller.The product is shipped in a box, and all accessories are included in the box. Before the installation is completed, please do not throw away the box.If you need to return the product, please pack all the accessories back into the box and pack them, and wait for the seller to arrange a special person to recycle them. Please do not discard the foam wrap at will. If you have already discarded the wrap, please wrap all the accessories separately in the packaging film and put them away Back into the box. In case of missing accessories, the seller has the right not to refund all the money.It is normal that there is a slight difference between the product network picture and the actual product.
1 week ago
1 week ago